Nardia with Radiation Therapist Megan Hall in front of thank-you messages to hospital staff
 Aug 12, 2020

"They're like an extended family to me."

Nardia tells of the impact our staff had as she underwent cancer treatment during the pandemic.

“The staff at the ONJ Centre have turned what I thought would be a scary and daunting experience, into one where I felt calm and protected,” says radiation therapy patient, Nardia Chartres.

Nardia has been receiving treatment for skin cancer related tumour.

She says that her cancer diagnosis at 38 came as quite a shock.

“We all think we’re invisible, especially when it comes to the sun.”

“I never thought this would happen to me. If you think something isn’t right, don’t leave it. You know your body, trust your instincts. Please go to your GP and get it checked out.”

Nardia explains that the positive interactions and special connections she’s made with staff during her treatment and the pandemic, have made a huge difference.

“From the CT staff who held my hand at my first session, through to the treatment team who remembered details about my life and always managed to make me laugh, they’re all so appreciated.”

“They’re like an extended family to me.”

Radiation Therapist Megan Hall says that Nardia has had an immense impact on the team as well.

“Nardia is a ray of sunshine, who would make us laugh even pre-caffeine!”

Megan says that the Radiation Oncology team really admire Nardia’s resilience, especially throughout her treatment and through the pandemic.

“Her positive outlook and sense of humour brightened each of our mornings. While we will miss her, we're so happy to see her finish her treatment with a smile on her face and with many socially-distanced virtual hugs!”

“We’re so glad to see she’s doing well and thriving. This is why we do, what we do.”