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 Aug 23, 2019

World-leading wellness, because of you

You, our community, make the wellness programs possible, helping patients and families manage the psychological and emotional stresses of cancer diagnosis and treatment. It is because of your support that we’re able to treat the mind, body and spirit of our patients.


 You made it possible for us to run 164 wellness programs last year, with 1,247 participants – patients, families and carers. And more than 13,000 people visited the beautiful Wellness Centre, finding a sanctuary to help them relax, find support and give them comfort.

Your support means we can continue to run wellness programs in both inpatients (wards) and outpatient areas including radiotherapy, day oncology, patient waiting areas, the Wellness Centre, the new Wellness Gym and the Music Recording Studio.

P1070572 lo res “Yoga enables me to feel better physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.  I find yoga provides very necessary soul food for me.”-  Jackie Edsall, patient



P1070628 edited lo res “I get to the point where my neck feels like it’s wrapped up with barbed wire. Oncology massage is a life-saver for me and incredibly beneficial to my quality of life.” – Beverley Douglas, patient



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 “I’ve seen music therapy help patients express difficult emotions and to find meaning, comfort and joy in the present moment.” – Kate McMahon, Music Therapist


We couldn't do it without you. Thank you.


Wellness programs at the ONJ Centre exist because of generous and ongoing support from our wonderful community.

Please make a donation today.