Picture of ONJ Centre volunteer Lynn Lin smiling at camera, holding up peace sign. She wears a purple volunteer vest.
 May 24, 2024

National Volunteer Week spotlight: Lynn Lin

This National Volunteer Week, we turn our attention to individuals like Lynn, whose dedication and commitment to service embody the spirit of volunteerism.  

Lynn Lin is a patient companionship volunteer at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness Centre.  

Her volunteering journey began with aspirations to connect with like-minded people and gain valuable healthcare experience and knowledge within a hospital setting. She now finds herself excited each week to meet volunteers, staff, and patients, and is motivated by the “sense of fulfilment and camaraderie”. 

Lynn says that volunteering has impacted her life in many ways. In the short term, the experience reaffirms her career choice. 

“I am currently studying nursing and aspire to become a compassionate and supportive member of a multidisciplinary healthcare team. In the long term, conversations with patients have inspired in me a unique attitude towards facing life's challenges, providing me with courage during difficult times.” 

Lynn’s contributions, rooted in knowledge gained from nursing studies and hospitality experience, have made a positive impact on both patients and the community.  

“I find myself more at ease when interacting with and assisting strangers, particularly those in need. For instance, I felt a sense of satisfaction in helping a woman who had become lost while trying to visit her family at Austin Health on my way to volunteering.” 

“I've also observed that I am less preoccupied with personal struggles and more attentive to those requiring assistance.” 

Lynn has also gained a lot of personal value from her experience as a volunteer; from creative techniques to promote health, to a positive change in her own demeanour.  

For those considering volunteering with Austin Health, Lynn offers some imparting advice: "Go ahead! This experience is worthwhile, and you're going to make a bunch of like-minded friends!"