
Palliative care

Palliative care assists patients who have a life limiting illness to be as symptom free as possible. We work with you to meet your emotional, spiritual and practical needs in a holistic way. Our support is also extended to your family and carers.

Why palliative care may be required

You may be admitted to the Palliative Care unit if you have pain or other symptoms that require treatment by the specialist palliative care team of doctors, nurses, and allied health staff. This can occur at various stages of your cancer treatment. We can assist with managing complex pain or symptoms, discharge planning or end-of-life care.

Receiving palliative care

Palliative care at Austin Health may be provided on the acute cancer units, with support by the Palliative Care Consultancy team, or on the specialist Palliative Care Unit (PCU). The Centre's palliative care team liaises closely with community palliative care services to ensure that your care is continued after you are discharged. Where possible, we aim to assist you to return to your home, with the support of these community-based service providers.


Palliative Care Unit (inpatient ward)

+61 3 9496 2542

Palliative Care Department

+61 3 9496 6796

Via switch

+61 3 9496 5000

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