How can I join a trial?

Providing patients access to breakthrough therapies through clinical trial is a central principle of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre. Clinical trials focus on the prevention, treatment and cure of cancer and support for those living with cancer.

Tom Johns patient and doctor in clinic

Consultation and research

If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, the first thing you should do is consult your doctor. Once you and your doctor have decided that you would like to participate in a clinical trial, your doctor should send a referral to the specialist clinic.


You will need to be reviewed for your eligibility for a clinical trial. Each trial has its own set of requirements for people to be able to participate.  These guidelines can include factors such as the size of a person’s tumour, the stage of their cancer or their general health.Your doctor will be asked to provide details about your and your condition. Clinical trials are scientific studies of new treatments and we need to make sure we are keeping as many factors as possible equal across all our participants. This preserves the accuracy of the trial and ensures the outcomes are as beneficial as possible for current and future patients.

After you have met with your specialist you will be asked to read and sign a Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form to allow you to be assessed for your eligibility to participate in a clinical trial. These are plain language documents that provide you with background information on the trial and outline the details of what is involved. Throughout your participation you are guaranteed a set of rights, including the right to withdraw at any point, and the right to maintain your anonymity.

Find a clinical trial for you

Cancer Council Victoria provides an extensive list of current clinical trials both here at the ONJ Centre, and at other hospitals.

FINd a trial

Become a patient at the ONJ Centre

To join a clinical trial at the ONJ Centre your doctor will need to provide a referral and provide specific information to determine your eligibility.

Get a referral

Clinicians and researchers working together every day

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