Art Therapy

Guided by a trained art therapist, participants use a range of materials to produce drawings, paintings, sculptures and collage.

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What are the details?

Art therapy is different from traditional art classes because the emphasis is on the process of creating, rather than the end product. The process of art making can be relaxing, healing and help relieve stress. Under the guidance of one of our trained art therapists, it may also offer insight into your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

No art skills are necessary to participate in art therapy.

Art therapy sessions with an art therapist are also available to individuals and small groups throughout the Olivia Newton-John Centre.

Art therapy kits and referrals

These kits contain art materials and activities to help keep you creatively engaged during your hospital admission or appointment. The kits can be delivered to you on the ward, in Day Oncology or Radiotherapy.

If you would like to see an art therapist while you are in hospital or receiving treatment, please email or ask your clinical team to make a referral.

Art therapy - Open Studio

The Open Studio is a weekly group art therapy session that gives ONJ Centre patients and their carers access to time, space and art materials. It is an invitation to create as you wish and at your own pace with the assistance and support of an art therapist. It also provides the opportunity to connect with others. No artistic skills or experience are needed.

Learn to work with different art materials (for example watercolour and acrylic paints, pastels, collage and mixed media) alongside a community of others to enhance self-expression and relaxation.

We are delivering weekly open studios in person in the Wellness Centre and online via Zoom.

Contact us for more details:

Art therapy


Who do I contact?

Art Therapists

Fiona Scottney  and Jordy Kornfeld

+61 3 9496 9972